WELCOME EVERYONE!!! Its officially SUMMER!!! Oh, happy memorial day everyone!!! And as is fitting for the times, this week, we celebrate heroes. Who is your hero?
For me, that is such a huge question. There are so many who are my heroes. But, for the sake of this blog post, I will limit to the most immediate....
My parents - we came to America with nothing but hopes and dreams - no money, no language. They worked so hard against such odds - at its height, they were juggling 3 jobs at once - to give us a better life.
My cousin C - serving in Afghanistan - who graduated from college and joined the national guard - then the army - finished his 6 years - got married - started law school - got recalled to iraq - finished law school, passed the bar - got recalled to afghanistan. He's a major now, and I am so very proud of him.
Friends (who I will not name for your privacy) who are currently, or have just come out of, battles with cancer - your bravery, fortitude and grace inspire me. And in memory of M.S., who bravely battled cancer for almost 3 years, and who lost her battle on 12/31. Rest in peace M...
My Uncle P - who, family lore has it, who ultimately became one of the last escape planes to leave before the fall of Saigon, who flew his overloaded plane BACK down for a final catch of anyone who could hold on, and who flew off just as the tanks were rolling in
Friends, whose husbands are serving tour after tour of duty, and who, with complete grace, keep the homefront, and to their husbands, who go back again and again, and serve without hesitation.
I could really go on and on.... Heroes are everywhere.
In celebration of heros, my cards today seek to honor our troops.
Using the following Unity kits:
Thank You words,
Worn Grid,
Confession: I love Unity
My second project also uses
DooDads, as well as Dec 08 KOTM
Little Reminders and Nov. 08 KOTM -
Enjoy Your Story
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Enjoy the rest of your hop. I hope you have a wonderful long weekend. Hip hop!